
Limeridge Sugarworks
Contact: Wesley Butler
Address: 746 Halpin Road Middlebury, VT, 05753
Phone: 802-458-1666
About Us
We are a small-scale maple syrup and raw honey producer on the north side of Middlebury. Our sugarbush and apiary are located exclusively on our family farm, previously known as the Limeridge Stock Farm.
Our practices are driven by our passion for ecosystem stewardship. Our bees are never treated with antibiotics or synthetic pesticides, and we adhere to organic methods for managing varroa mite populations within our hives. The honey that we harvest from our bees is never heated or filtered, allowing the delicious taste and natural health benefits to persist. The farm consists of woodlands, grazed pastures, and river bottom, which provides our bees with a diverse and abundant source of nectar and pollen. Our sugarbush consists mostly of mixed hardwood species, and we allow snags to remain in the forest. This diversity of tree species, age, and condition provides quality habitat for many birds, insects, and small mammals. We currently tap approximately 500 trees and utilize a wood-fired evaporator to produce our pure maple syrup.